- The grounds
- Le Verger
- Gardens
- The old Orchard
- This path to the lake Kia
- the woodland
- the grounds
- the lake
- The lake
- the path around the lake
- more lake
- the island on the lake
- The island
- The lake
- Woodlands
- To the lake Kia
- The grounds
- The Gardens
- Le Verger
- Competition time
- who cut the grass??
- What’s going on
- Reflections
- L’Etang
- Our Lake
- Our Lake
- The lake
- The lake
- Lesson given by Paul
- I will learn
- Brian enjoyed his visit
- View from La Rocaille
- Visitors joining in the competition
- Amanda doing well in competition
- Canny and Ducky reside on our Lake
- Steve May 2015
- La Rocaille pre 2017